Smart Options for the Perfect Landscape Deals

The study of a landscape requires a professional, but who should we call? To the landscape architect or the landscape gardener? Although these trades are both landscape-related, they differ in a few ways.

The landscape architect studies landscape plans while the landscape gardener intervenes directly in the field. Thus, the job of architect requires many years of study to have this title, unlike the gardener’s job that is similar to that of a technician. In other words, the intellectual journey is not the same. For the Landscape Architecture this is important.

The landscape architect is not very widespread or not legally recognized as this job is difficult to identify. The order of architects also protects the term “architect”, so he is more recognized as a landscape architect. Indeed, it is an interdisciplinary profession and the required qualities are complex. Nevertheless, landscape architects are able to find a place in society because people are increasingly using their services. Generally, the landscape architect intervenes between the environment and the architecture, disciplines that he should master a priori. His job is to develop and plan a rural or urban landscape. Moreover, it is more solicited for urban planning works.

The job of the landscape architect is poorly known and difficult to understand if you have never used it. Discover this profession, its actions and the skills required of a job that is as much about the environment as the architecture.

Park of Cormailles

The job of the landscape architect is still rather unknown and rather difficult to identify by people not close to the profession. This for several reasons: the fact of its interdisciplinarity, the lack of information (the landscape architect does not just flower beds) and the lack of real regulation.

Indeed, this profession is not yet recognized legally and everyone could proclaim themselves landscape. But, let us rejoice, they are increasingly recognized and cities or individuals are increasingly calling for their services.

His field of intervention

It is a profession that lies between the environment and architecture. The landscape architect develops and plans the landscape, whether rural or urban. More and more teams are being formed between urban planners, architects, VRDs, other BETs and landscape architects in order to fully respond to tenders. The landscape artist brings the “little more” of the poetry of the place, taking into account the context, the plant, the history. He is generally more sensitive to the place he will develop.

As we said in the first paragraph, the knowledge of the landscape architect is multiple and interdisciplinary:

Landscape project: it analyzes a site, develops project concepts, must know the construction techniques related to the project, and must draw up a vegetable composition table.

Culture: it apprehends the culture and the reading of the landscape, the basics of the architecture and the history of the art

Life sciences: here is an important theme for this profession: the notion of living … It must know botany, ecology, geology, recognize plants.