What’s a Bed-in-a-Box Mattress?

It’s a simple question to cover something that most people are a little unfamiliar with. Everyone has a mattress of some kind in Toronto and across the world, but they’re usually standard and something most people think of as pretty simple fare when going to a mattress store or visiting one online. 

Now there’s a new term: bed-in-a-box mattress. So, what is a bed in a box mattress and what are they for? A bed-in-a-box mattress is a bed that is shipped in a relatively small package because it can be compressed down to a small size. To be specific, they don’t include a bedframe. They are mainly meant to be used by themselves, although some people do use them in combination with a bedframe.

So, what are they used for? The bed-in-a-box got its name from the fact that it was actually shipped in a box and could be removed from it quickly and easily. Today, they represent a move forward in efficiency and ease when it comes to saving floor space and money.

How do they get a bed to shrink to that size? The mattress, itself, is not the one that many are used to in that they are not made of traditional metal coils and fabric. These ones use the memory foam that has become more and more popular for standard beds of late. Because the entire bed is made of this foam, it allows the bed to be compressed into a much smaller space for transport, hence the term: “bed-in-a-box”.

Why get a bed-in-a-box mattress? The answer to this question depends on who is interested in buying one. The main point of buying this type of mattress is affordability and simplicity. For people living in smaller spaces, a bed-in-a-box mattress makes sense. It’s also a great option for those on low incomes or with a limited amount of extra money at the end of the month. It’s also a good option for people who need an extra bed around that can be stored and brought out whenever friends and family stay for the weekend.

Do they last? Yes. A bed-in-a-box mattress will last just as long as a regular one and it can be used on top of a regular box spring, if so desired. The material it’s made of is no different from the foam mattresses available at most furniture and mattress stores.

Why not just go to a store? The whole point of bed-in-a-box is convenience. There is a bit of a hassle in going to a store to buy one and having to deal with pushy salespeople only makes it more difficult to go out and get one easily. Being able to order one online takes out all of the added time and simplifies everything into a simple click of a button!

A bed-in-a-box is clearly a good alternative to regular mattresses once it’s understood what they are and how they are used. Keep that in mind the next time you’re looking for a new bed!