Maintenance Tips for Saltwater Swimming Pools  

Saltwater swimming pools are the new alternatives to the traditional chlorine pools, with the exception that you don’t have to add chlorine tablets to saltwater pools. They still carry some content of chlorine that is induced by a filter system.

A saltwater pool typically contains 10 times less salt than ocean water (about 3,000 ppm salinity). The ocean water contains up to 35,000 ppm. With the reduced salinity levels, some people find these pools less harsh on their skin, hair, and eyes as compared to chlorinated pools, and that’s why many resorts, hotels, and cruise ships are now installing these pools.

Maintenance Tips for a Saltwater Swimming Pool

Maintaining a trouble-free saltwater pool is not rocket science. It involves regular monitoring and testing of chemical components used in the pool and checking the chlorine content at least every week. The common problems experienced by most saltwater pool owners include cloudiness caused by low chlorine levels, corrosion issues, salt chlorinator maintenance, and low salinity issues.

Handling Corrosion/Metal Stains

Saltwater is often associated with metal stains and faded surfaces or steel hardware corrosion. The simplest solution to this problem is to introduce a zinc anode to the pool system to create stainless metal parts. The process is also referred to as sacrificial zinc anode and helps to protect any metal part that comes into contact with saltwater. Zinc anode is also helpful for keeping away plaster discoloration, black stains, and heater damage.

So, how does it work? Zinc anode works by sacrificing itself (corroding) ahead of any other metal part such as underwater electrical systems that can catch stains. Check the condition of the anode at least once every year to ensure that it’s not completely degraded.

Clearing Cloudy Saltwater Pool

Saltwater pools, just like chlorine-based pools, require an optimum balance of chemicals to remain clear. Any imbalance of chemicals will cause cloudiness and growth of algae in the pool. Common causes of cloudiness are PH, chlorine, calcium hardness, cyanuric acid, and total alkalinity.

To clear the cloudiness, you need to do a chlorine shock to improve the content of free chlorine in the pool. Note that chlorine infused by the chlorine generator is meant to maintain an optimal level of free chlorine hence not adequate to boost the concentration. Once the chlorine and cyanuric acid levels are balanced and the water turns clear, the chlorine generator can pick up from there.

Saltwater Pools And Health

Other than being less harsh on eyes, skin, and eyes, saltwater has numerous health benefits to persons with allergies and asthma, especially for indoor swimming pools. The strong chlorine smell associated with most traditional indoor swimming pools is due to the high presence of chloramines (a mix of ammonia and chlorine). In the outdoor pools, however, the smell often evaporates quickly. Swimming in an indoor chlorinated pool can feel irritating as the smell is stronger towards the surface, where swimmers often take their breath. Kids who regularly swim in indoor chlorinated pools were recorded to be at a greater risk of developing asthma and lung inflammations, according to a 2003 study. Saltwater lakes are better alternatives to chlorinated pools and help avoid such health concerns.

If you’re interested in building or maintaining your saltwater swimming pool, contact us today. We provide high-quality services at affordable rates. We can also install a saltwater filtering system for your pool to improve your swimming experience.

