How to extend the life of your garage door?

The maintaining your garage door is well-lubricated. Dirt, dust, and debris accumulate on the tracks, hinges, and rollers, causing friction and wear.

  1. Use a soft brush or cloth to clean these components regularly.
  2. After cleaning, apply a silicone-based lubricant to the moving parts to ensure smooth operation and reduce wear and tear.
  3. Avoid using WD-40 or other oil-based materials to attract dirt and grime.

Hardware and check for loose or worn parts

The hardware that holds your garage door together is loose or worn. This leads to misalignment, causing the door to operate inefficiently or fail. Periodically, check all the nuts, bolts, and screws to be tight and secure. If you notice worn or damaged parts, such as rollers, hinges, or springs, replace them promptly to prevent further damage.

Balance and alignment

A properly balanced and aligned garage door is essential for smooth operation and longevity. An unbalanced door puts excessive strain on the opener and other components, leading to premature wear and failure. To check if your door is balanced, disconnect it from the opener and manually lift it halfway. The springs may need adjustment if the door stays in place and is balanced. Align is required so the tracks are straight and parallel and the rollers move more smoothly.

Weather stripping and insulation

The weather stripping along the bottom and sides of your garage door helps to seal out drafts, moisture, and pests. Material is brittle, cracked, or detached, compromising its effectiveness. Inspect the weather stripping regularly and replace it to maintain a tight seal. Additionally, consider insulating your garage door to improve and protect the door from temperature-related stress.

Gentle operation and obstruction avoidance

The most common cause of garage door repair damage is impact from vehicles or other objects. To minimize the risk of such accidents, always open and close the door gently and avoid letting it slam shut. Teach your family members drivers to be cautious when entering or exiting the garage. If the door is not opening or closing smoothly, investigate the cause and address it promptly to prevent further damage.

Regular inspections and professional maintenance

While homeowners handle many aspects of garage door maintenance, having your door inspected and serviced by a professional technician at least once a year is essential. A trained eye spots potential issues, such as worn springs, frayed cables, or failing openers. During a professional maintenance visit, the technician inspects, adjusts, and lubricates all components to ensure performance and longevity.

Prompt repairs and upgrades

If you encounter a problem with your garage door, fix it yourself only if you have the necessary skills and tools leads to more extensive damage and costly fixes down the line. Contact a reputable garage door repair service to promptly diagnose and resolve the issue. Suppose your door is ancient or has suffered significant damage. In that case, investing in a new, more efficient model may be more cost-effective than continuing to sink money into repairs.