Exploring the best of Home Cleaning Now

Even if cleaning the house and not your favorite occupation, the result always justifies the effort. It is a sense of accomplishment, when everything around shines with purity.

Restoring the table

Mix halfa cup vinegar with half a cup of olive oil, dampen a rag in the mixture and rub it into the wood. Scratches completely disappear, and the surface looks like new.

Bleach pillow cases

Mix one cup of detergent, 1 glass of detergent for dishwasher detergent, 1 glass of bleach, ½ cup borax with very hot water.

Clean the cupboard

Mix 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil with 2 tablespoons of baking soda and use a brush or cloth to clean the cabinet.

Faucet or shower head

Clean the faucet or shower head from the lime deposit with vinegar. Usually 20 minutes are enough.If after this the plaque does not come off, wrap the nozzle in a bag of vinegar and leave for another hour. Then rinse thoroughly.


  • Cover the mabel home ironing board with paper and sprinkle a little salt on it.
  • Set the iron heating control to the maximum value (NB: the steam function must be turned off and the iron must be free of water).
  • Pass the heated iron over the salt. All dirt from the surface of the iron will be cleaned quickly and easily. 5 more ways.

Cast-iron pan

You will need plate cleaner, gloves, garbage bags and white vinegar. Complete instruction.

Mold in the bathroom

Take cotton wool and make from it balls, about 1 centimeter in diameter. Wet them with a bleaching agent, put on the mold and leave the whole thing overnight. In the morning, remove the remains of mold with an old toothbrush.

Lattice on the plate

Remove the fat on the grate with ammonia. Place the grate in a plastic bag and add 2-3 tablespoons of ammonia to it. After 12 hours, rinse it.

Silver plate

Table silver is easy to clean with boiling water, aluminum foil and salt. All this should be placed in a bowl or in a sink and left for 30 minutes. Instruments will be clean!

Microfiber sofa

Remove stains from the couch will help a clean white brush and a small amount of alcohol. To get rid of the unpleasant odor, apply a small amount of soda. For other ways to clean up, read https://cleanhomeguide.com/best-leather-conditioner-for-cars/.

The procedure for dry cleaning the leather interior of a car is usually divided into three stages:

Next is a direct cleaning, using a professional set of cleansers, created specifically for working with natural leather? The use of manual, delicate methods of cleaning the leather upholstery of the car, as well as special cleaning materials, makes it possible to remove all kinds of dirt, without risking damaging the soft upholstery of the interior.