What Should You Know About Mattress Recycling? 

When you no longer require your mattress, it can be challenging to get rid of it because mattresses are undoubtedly large and bulky. Because of their size, several municipalities hesitate to clean them up. However, the materials used to make mattresses are recyclable. So instead of throwing them in the dumpster, try Recyc-Matelas mattress recycling instead. Here is all there is to know about recycling mattresses.

A mattress is made up of recyclable components. These materials include steel, cotton, various fibers, polyurethane foam, and wood, to name a few.

  • When building mattresses, steel springs are frequently used. Steel is taken from mattresses and smelted for reuse when they are recycled. Steel scrap is a precious resource that is simple to recycle.
  • Wood is a widely used material for creating mattresses. The wood is taken out and thrown into a shredder when a mattress is recycled. Following that, it is utilized as pulp, animal bedding, landscaping mulch, and sometimes even biomass fuel.
  • A mattress’s primary element is polyurethane foam. Even though this material cannot be recycled the way it would normally be, it can nevertheless be offered a second life by “down-cycling.” This is the procedure by which the polyurethane is broken down into little bits and then used to create a new product, such as carpet padding or fuel.
  • Mattress fabrics can also be recycled. They can be used as insulation or filters.

Can You Recycle Scrap Metal?

Yes. Recycling scrap metal has a lot of advantages. Here’s how. 

Less landfill space is squandered

Only a certain amount of space is available in landfills, making them a scarce resource. Recycling the scrap steel will result in a reduction in the amount of metal that occupies space that can only be used for non-recyclable things. 

Conserves natural resources

Natural assets that are non-renewable can be preserved by recycling scrap metal. Metals may all be recycled and turned into new materials, including tin cans, steel products, copper wiring, pipes, etc. 


Recycling scrap metal saves far less energy than generating new metal from virgin mineral ore. In comparison to ore mining, it even utilizes less water. In addition, manufacturing new metal generates more greenhouse emissions than recycling does.

Prevents the pollution that comes with mining new ores

The land, groundwater, and air are all contaminated by the chemicals employed in the mining operation. In addition to destroying open space, mining also destroys local wildlife habitats. Recycling lessens the demand for mineral mining.