Prevent Damage to Your Machine to Avoid Floor Scrubber Repair

Floor scrubber repair may be inevitable at some point, but if you can take steps to avoid damaging your scrubber, then you could avoid some costly repair bills. Proper maintenance is also an important factor in avoiding floor scrubber repair bills.

Avoid Running Over Objects Dangerous to the Squeegee: The squeegee is important for making sure the machine leaves the floor clean and dry. Even though squeegees can be inexpensive to repair, a damaged squeegee could ruin even the best scrubbing job. Without a good seal on the surface, a bad squeegee can leave behind oils, soap, water, and more. If the squeegee is working properly, then it creates a seal on the surface that will leave floors dry after scrubbing. Avoid running over any objects to keep your squeegee working the way it should and lasting.

Avoid Cleaning Heavily Soiled floors without Pre-Sweeping: By pre-sweeping floors that are heavily soiled, it can help prevent damage to the machine. If you are operating the machine on very dirty floors, then hoses can become clogged. When hoses become clogged, this puts pressure on the vacuum system.

Avoid Dumping the Recovery Tank from the Edge of the Loading Dock: You don’t want your equipment to fall off the dock, but there is also a risk of injury to the operator if you are dumping a recovery tank off of the edge of a loading dock. It can seem tempting to do this, but there have been plenty of accidents as a result of this action. Sometimes the dock leveling plate will drop unexpectedly causing the scrubber to roll off. Metal dock plates can be slippery when wet.

Avoid Extra Foam in the Tanks: When there is too much foam built up in the tanks, it can be sucked into the vacuum motor, which shortens its life. Vacuum motors can range in price, so it can be an expensive repair. You don’t want to have to replace it before it’s time. To help reduce foam, rinse the tank after each use. When there is chemical build up in the tank, it can also lead to extra foam. When filling the solution tank, first fill it with plain water, then add the chemical to help prevent any extra foam.

Avoid Moisture When Storing Equipment: You don’t need to just pay attention to how you use your equipment, but also how you store it. By properly storing your equipment, you can avoid damage to the internal workings of the machine. Before you store the equipment, be sure to drain the tanks and lift the squeegee assembly off the ground. Be sure that the pad driver and brush are in the up position. Store in a dry area and indoors. Your cleaning equipment and moisture don’t mix when it comes to storage.