A Healthy Kitchen Remake

“Wow!” exclaimed a guest as she put down her empty cup.  “I’ll sign up for a cooking class on my next vacation if it’ll help me get my husband to put in a kitchen like this.”  She gazed admiringly around Marie’s newly remodeled kitchen and breakfast nook.  The others nodded in agreement.

“Now don’t you go thinking that’s what got George to agree to this project,” Marie replied.  “It took something more serious.  After all, George and I’d agreed on it before we ever went on our trip.”  She led her friends to a room and opened the door.

“Here’s what really led to getting the kitchen refinished.”  Their eager gaze was followed by a sigh of disappointment.  “Why, it’s just an exercise machine,” muttered Mrs. Annie, sipping her coffee.

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“It’s a Bowflex machine, Gloria,” said Marie, correcting her friend with emphasis.  “And I have it and Groupon to thank for my new kitchen.”  They stared uncomprehendingly.

“You see, George and I’d always felt the kitchen needed to be redone and we’d even sketched out all the appliances, colors and furnishings we wanted.  But other things took priority so we kept putting it off.  Then George’s doctor got on his case about his weight.  He’d told George to eat healthier and get more exercise.”

“So, I said I’d do my best to help him start this new routine.  And I got him this Bowflex trainer as my contribution.  With it he can do a good cardio-vascular workout at home every day. I used a Groupon to get it with more than $500 off the retail price.  In less than three months George was in much better shape, and the doctor took him off that pre-diabetic medicine.

“That’s all very good,” replied another guest.  “But I don’t quite see how it leads to a complete new kitchen.”  Marie smiled and led them back to the living room.

“Well, after George started his regular workouts he realized we needed a better kitchen to prepare all the fancy dishes the doctor recommended.  So, we had a contractor redo it.  Didn’t he do a great job?”  They all nodded in agreement.

“But Marie, how does all this relate to your vacation cooking class?” asked Gloria.

Marie pursed her lips and replied, “You know, that class taught me how to fix some good food.  But that trip also taught that isn’t all a body needs.  Have you seen how distracted men can get when they’re surrounded by women in bathing suits?”  Her guests nodded knowingly.

“That’s also the reason I use that Bowflex now nearly as much as George does.”

She winked as she showed them to the door.